Cloud computing refers to the concept of sharing software, resources, and information via a network connection such as the Internet. In a cloud structure, the cloud servers save the end-users information, data, and can serve the service application(s) as well reducing the need for storage space on client computers. End-users have the freedom to access information wherever one can obtain an Internet connection and do not have to worry about upgrading service applications with the latest version to be released. This allows users to edit files such as PowerPoint presentations, or documents on mobile devices or tablets without having to have specified software installed on the computing device being used while away from home or the office
Cloud computing offers businesses a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extending IT’s existing capabilities. Most Cloud services fall into two basic categories.